
The scientific programme will consists of 50-minute lectures by invited speakers and of 20-minute contributed talks.
Detailed schedule of lectures and talks will be available about a week before the conference.

If you would like to give a talk, please select this option in the registration form and also fill in the title of your talk. After registration, the abstract submission and talk details will be communicated by e-mail (we will provide you with LaTeX template). Data projector and a whiteboard will be available conference room. If you have any special requirements please let us know.

Invited speakers

Geňa Hahn - Université de Montréal
Vašek Chvátal - Charles University Praha
Jan Kratochvíl - Charles University Praha
Igor Fabrici - UPJŠ Košice
Jozef Širáň - STU Bratislava
Mykhaylo Tyomkyn - Charles University Praha

List of participants