Accommodation is provided in limited numbers for May 27-30 in the following facilities:
Masarykova kolej, Thákurova 1, Praha 6 (a Czech
Technical University dormitory)
- double rooms (1590 CZK per room and night including breakfast)
Marianeum, Máchova 7, Praha 2
- single rooms (700 CZK per night)
- double rooms (1000 CZK per room and night)
- triple rooms (1200 CZK per room and night)
- breakfast can be ordered on the spot (90 CZK per day)
Reservation and payment
Reservation can be made until May 10. The following details must be specified in the comment on the registration form (see Registration):
- the facility (Masarykova kolej / Marianeum)
- single / double / triple room
- preferred roommate(s) in the case of double or triple rooms
The payment will be made individually on the spot.
For individual accommodation booking, use a server such as