The conference is a continuation of the series of annual Czechoslovak (from 1993 Czech-Slovak) Conferences on Combinatorics and Graph Theory . This year the conference will be organized by the Pilsen branch of the Institute for the Theoretical Computer Science (ITI) and the Department of Mathematics   University of West Bohemia .
The conference site, Javorná, is located on the border of the Šumava National Park (Šumava Mountains), in South-West Bohemia, close to the main road between the town Klatovy and the well-known tourist center (located on the Czech-German border) Železná Ruda/Bayerisch Eisenstein. Javorná is easily reachable by public transport: busses (Prague) - Pilsen - Klatovy - Železná Ruda.
Transport connection
- by public transport - recommended connection:
from Klatovy by bus Klatovy - Cachrov,Javorna,
departure from Klatovy at 12.30,
arrival to Javorna at 13.40,
Praha-Plzen-Klatovy by bus or by train;
- by car: from Pilsen, take road No. 27 to Klatovy and Zeleznna Ruda, see the map.
How to get through Pilsen can be found at mapy.atlas.cz.
Alternatively, by train Praha - Plzen - Klatovy - Zelezna Ruda,
the organizers can bring you from Zelezna Ruda; please ask in
The conference will start with afternoon session on Monday,
June 2, and will end with morning session on Friday, June 6.
Each session will consist of one lecture of an invited speaker and 3-5 twenty minute
contributed talks. Two projectors, one data-projector with a laptop and blackboard will be available.
A booklet of abstracts will be distributed among the participants during the conference.
Conference languages are Czech, Slovak and English.
Accommodation, Prices
Accommodation of all participants, all meals and all conference activities will take place in a comfortable environment of hotel
Stavbař. There are double and triple rooms with in-room facilities. Most rooms are equipped with telephone and TV. The hotel has a stylish tavern, playrooms, tabletennis and a sauna, outdoor swimming-pool, a terrace with refreshments and a playground. The hotel is located in a quiet place and its surroundings offer many nice walks.
One night with full board: 525 Kč,
The cost for the whole conference (accommodation, full board from lunch on Monday to lunch on Friday, including conference dinner): 2200 Kč,
Conference fee: 500 Kč, students will have a 50% discount.
The current approximate exchange rates are:
1 Euro = 32,00 Kč
1 USD = 27,00 Kč
An additional acommodation is provided at student dormitories Bolevecka 30, see map.
As usual, there will be a trip, probably on Wedensday afternoon. There are several choices where to go: the castle Velhartice, the castle Kašperk , the town Klatovy, the town Železná Ruda, Černé and Čertovo lakes ...
List of participants
Invited speakers
| Jendroľ Stanislav |
| Miller Mirka |
| Rosenfeld Moshe |
| Voss Heinz Juergen |
| Nebeský Ladislav |
| Valtr Pavel |
Other participants
Bača Martin,
Brousek Jan,
Caha Rostislav,
Čada Roman,
Fiala Jiří,
Fronček Dalibor,
Holub Přemysl,
Horňák Mirko,
Hrnčiar Pavel,
Ipolyiová Maria,
Kaiser Tomáš,
Klazar Martin,
Knor Martin,
Kocková Zuzana,
Kochol Martin,
Kolman Petr,
Král Daniel,
Kratochvíl Jan,
Kubesa Michael,
Kužel Roman,
Lin Yuqing,
Líšková Ľubica
Madaras Tomáš,
Ryan Joe,
Ryjáček Zdeněk
Semaničová Andrea,
Semanišin Gabriel,
Soták Roman,
Sugeng Kiki A.,
Stacho Ladislav,
Tesková Libuše,
Tuhársky Milan,
Tuchanová Milena.
Conference program
15:30 | | Voss Heinz Jurgen | | On k-trestles in polyhedral graphs |
16:20 | | break |
16:40 | | Tuharsky Milan | | Light stars in large polyhedral maps |
17:05 | | Ryan Joe | | The eccentric digraph of a (di)graph |
17:30 | | Hrnciar Pavel | | Eccentric sequences and cycles in graphs |
17:55 | | Kochol Martin | | The equivalent version of the 3-flow conjecture |
18:20 | | Kolman Petr | | A note on the greedy algorithm for the unsplittable flow problem |
9:00 | | Valtr Pavel | | Extremal questions for geometric graphs |
9:50 | | break |
10:10 | | Caha Rostislav | | Paths and cycles with prescribed edges in hypercubes |
10:35 | | Kockova Zuzana | | Decomposition of even graph into closed trails |
11:00 | | Stacho Ladislav | | Edge-disjoint cycles through prescribed vertices |
11:25 | | Cada Roman | | Short disjoint paths in locally connected graphs |
11:50 | | Lin Yuqing | | On the edge connectivity of cages |
16:00 | | Jendrol Stanislav | | Local properties of graphs embedded |
16:50 | | break | |
| 17:10 | | Ipolyiova Maria | | The minimal polynomial of 2 cos(\pi /p) and regular maps of large planar width |
17:35 | | Liskova Lubica | | Cayley maps and their exponents |
18:00 | | Hornak Mirko | | Neighbours distinguishing index of plane bipartite graphs |
18:25 | | Semanisin Gabriel | | Additive induced-hereditary properties and unique factorization |
9:00 | | Rosenfeld Moshe | | Variations on hamiltonian themes |
9:50 | | break | |
10:10 | | Kuzel Roman | | Every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian if and only if it is hamiltonian connected |
10:35 | | Klazar Martin | | Power series in combinatorial enumeration |
12:30 | | TRIP - Castle Velhartice |
9:00 | | Nebesky Ladislav | | On the interval function of a connected graph |
9:50 | | break | |
10:10 | | Kral Daniel | | Coloring powers of chordal graphs |
10:35 | | Sotak Roman | | On the chromatic number of integer distance graphs |
11:00 | | Fiala Jiri | | Generalized H-coloring and H-covering of trees |
11:25 | | Knor Martin | | Face 2-colourable triangulations of $K_{n,n,n}$ and biembeddings of Latin squares |
11:50 | | Baca Martin | | Labelings of graphs |
16:00 | | Miller Mirka | | Summable graph labelings |
16:50 | | break | |
17:10 | | Sugeng Kiki | | The sum labeling for fan |
17:35 | | Semanicova Andrea | | On the magic and supermagic line graphs |
18:00 | | Froncek Dalibor | | Vertex magic total labelings of products of graphs |
18:25 | | Kubesa Michael | | $\alpha$-like labeling and drafting of the graphs |
10:00 | | Kaiser Tomas | | 2-walks in graphs |
10:25 | | Erik Bryoth | | Online ranking of dodecahedron |
10:50 | | break | |
11:05 | | Kratochvil Jan | | Geometric intersection graphs |
11:30 | | Ryjacek Zdenek | | On local and global independence numbers of a graph |
Graphs 2003, Javorná, June 2.-6., 2003: graphs@kma.zcu.cz